This morning the movie “Frozen” graced our living room television screen for the tenth time in a week.
My son and I went to see Disney’s “Frozen” in the movie theatre when it was first released and really enjoyed it. However, we didn’t anticipate the obsession that would soon follow with Victoria and “Frozen”. Weg-O, which is how my two-year-old daughter, Victoria loving refers to the film’s famous song, is played over, and over, and over again on EVERY SINGLE drive in our vehicle. This ritual began way before she saw the movie, since the bunny just gave the DVD to her on Easter morning. I can’t remember when or how the obsession started…probably watching YouTube videos, but nonetheless our entire household, Daddy included, knows the words to the film’s soundtrack.
Knowing the Easter Bunny would be hopping into town with the DVD, I ventured out the week before Easter to find some Frozen-related merchandise to put together a themed basket. Silly me. I was unaware that my daughter, although oh-so-special to me, was simply one of say a million+ little girls singing “Let It Go” as their parents frantically comb the universe for something with the word FROZEN on it. Every store I entered had a huge chunk of vacant space somewhere within their toy department. And in this space I found shiny silver pegs with stickers on the end showing me the names of the lovely Anna and Elsa items that once were beacons of light beaming for a mere second before a half-crazed mother snatched them from their pegs and bolted to the closest register. Silly me. I expected to find bulk stacks of Elsa dolls at every end cap. If you haven’t been living under a rock, like say me, you probably already expected that. Oh well, Victoria did not receive any Disney trademarked “Frozen” toys on Easter morning. However, she did receive a beautiful headband with an Elsa and Anna bow attached to it. Where did I get that, you might ask?
Feeling completely defeated in my search, I happened to walk by a locally owned gift shop and could see from the window a bow with Olaf the snowman on it. I felt as if I had hit the jackpot! The bow was too big for my daughter’s head so the wonderful crafters that own the store attached the bow to a headband and “POW!” I had a “Frozen” headband for Victoria.
In the past week, I’ve made a point to seek out this untapped market, “The Crafters”, to see what Frozen-Inspired goods I could find. Since I’m certain that I’m not the only mommy out their looking for “Frozen” gifts, I’m excited to share my discoveries with you! Below you will find three business, all located within Northeastern Pennsylvania, that put their heart into creating mini works of art to sell to customers across the country. I’ve included links for you to contact each one for more information, if you’d like to purchase these items, see more items that they sell or even request a specific item to be made.
Mia Bella Boutique

Phyl Your Bags

Sophisticated Lady by Patricia
Phone Patricia at 570-383-0353 or Email Kimberly at

I love these flip flops for the summer!

I love this hat for the winter!

Hair Accessories for all year round!
In addition to the above items, Kimberly and Patricia offer Frozen-themed tutus too!
If you’re like me and just joined the Frozen Merchandise Search Team, I hope these items help you put a smile on your daughter’s face. They may not be the specific items that we all keep clicking the Disney Store link in hopes of getting, but they sure are adorable options. Don’t you agree?
By the way, Disney Store’s link is on the side bar, if you have to check one more time…